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Welcome to Glenn's Antiques, Collectables & Curiosities!

We buy and sell Antiques and Collectables in the Aylesbury Area

Find something just for you!



Got something to sell?

Send me a couple of pictures via email or fill in a contact form. I might be able to come and take a look.


Just note that I can't buy anything too large - I don't have a business premises at this time!


Have something that needs a little love and attention?

If you have something that has seen better days, maybe filled with dust and grime that you want looking at - give me a shout! I'll see what I can do.


This is my ugly mug

And this is Maggie, a 1924 Ford Model T Roadster - She's found a new home now!

About Us

Hi there, and welcome to my shop!

This shop is a new beginning for me! I was made redundant from my job in September 2021 and in my Garden Leave I was looking for something to do. At the time I was 26 and had only really worked in the NHS, but mainly doing the background admin stuff.


Outside of work I collect coins and banknotes from all ages and countries, enjoy classic cars (I have my dream list) and sleep too much.


I've always had interest in old and peculiar items, and found my fair share of strange things over the years!


For the meantime, this is more an experiment rather than a full business, but fingers crossed things go well! Who knows? Maybe I'll get a unit together at some point.


I want you to feel welcome to my website, whoever you are and whatever your background is. Whether you're looking for something a bit unusual or you collect things as a hobby.



Take a look at my wares, you might find something you like!


Or take a look at the shop's Blog

Get in Touch

Thanks for submitting!

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