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Items that have been flagged from Facebook/Meta

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

Below are a list of items that Facebook/Meta have flagged for breaching some policies in one way or another - I wanted to show off my list! Most of these have had appeals placed, and some overturned.

(Most recent violations toward the top)

26th July 2022

^Flagged as 'Advertising Policies'


21st July 2022

^Flagged as 'Weapons, ammunition and explosives'


12th July 2022

^Flagged as 'Documents, currency and financial instruments'


5th July 2022

^Flagged as 'Weapons, ammunition and explosives'

^Flagged as 'Advertising policies'

^Flagged as 'Advertising policies'

^Flagged as 'Advertising policies'


25th June 2022

^Flagged as 'Weapons, ammunition and explosives'


15th May 2022

^Flagged as 'Advertising Policies'

^Flagged as 'Advertising policies'

^Flagged as 'Advertising policies'


7th March 2022

^Flagged as 'Advertising policies'


2nd March 2022

^Flagged as 'Advertising policies'

^Flagged as 'Advertising policies'

^Flagged as 'Advertising Policies'

^Flagged as 'Weapons, ammunition and explosives'


3rd February 2022

^Flagged as 'Weapons, ammunition and explosives'


29th January 2022

^Flagged as 'Documents, currency and financial instruments'

^Flagged as 'Advertising policies'

^Flagged as 'Advertising policies'


13th January 2022

^Flagged as 'Advertising policies'

^Flagged as Advertising Policies'


10th December 2021

^Flagged as 'Advertising policies'


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